These buns, oh my goodness.. I’ve been craving them every single day since I made the first batch. It was GOOD, but I’ve been tweaking it here and there to get things just right and ready to share.
They’re perfectly moist with a nice crumb texture, and are amazing warmed up with some butter. That cinnamon + sweet combo.. YUM! You know what they’re also great for? Topping with an egg and some bacon and cheddar cheese. Breakfast sandwhich win.
Here’s the kicker.. according to MyFitnessPal, they’ve only got 3 grams of carbs per serving. Whaaaat?! The almond flour/psyllium husk combo works wonders.
So please please make these for your Easter celebrations, or for an average Tuesday morning, and let me know how it went

Working with psyllium husk can be a bit finicky. If the dough seems really ooey gooey, you can add an extra tablespoon and let it sit another 5 minutes, but I didn’t find this necessary.